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Metallic alloys, Private Collection J.B.

2009 Conservation and Restoration

Conservation and restoration of metal artefacts (21) from the JB Private Collection. Work done in 2001 and 2009.

  • Bust fragment and plate in copper alloy (Roman).
  • Applique with horse and one weight in copper alloy (Roman).
  • Face mask and mirror fragment in copper alloy (Roman).
  • Armour fragments (2) in copper alloy (Medieval).
  • Front-let or armour applique (Castile).
  • Medieval cross and Visigoth(?) cross in copper alloy.
  • Processional cross in copper alloy and iron alloy (Byzantine).
  • Fiale in a silver alloy and hanging in copper alloy (Greece)
  • Bracelet (Egypt) and a Sassanian (?) artefact in copper alloy.
  • Statuette with anthropomorphic figure and oil lamp in copper alloy.
  • Pendants (2) with gems in silver alloy.
  • Plate in lead (Celtic).
Statuette, before the intervention.
Statuette, after the intervention.
Winged animal, before the intervention.
Winged animal, after the intervention.
Aplique, before the intervention.
Aplique, after the intervention.
Aplique in the shape of a horse, before the intervention.
Aplique in the shape of a horse, after the intervention.
Cross, before the intervention.
Cross, after the intervention.
Oil lamp, before the intervention.
Oil lamp, after the intervention.
Face mask, before the intervention.
Face mask, after the intervention.
Pending, before the intervention.
Pending, after the intervention.
Plaque, before the intervention.
Plaque, after the intervention.