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Metallic alloys, Monte do Marmelo, Alentejo

2003 Conservation and Restoration

A few metallic artefacts from the archaeological excavation at the Monte do Marmelo (Ferreira do Alentejo), under the responsibility of the Corporation for Alqueva's Development & Infrastructures (EDIA).

  • Buckle, ring, button and riveted plaque in copper alloy.
  • Nails (5) in iron alloy.

Acknowledgements Ocrimira, Heritage and Archaeological Research ~ Corporation for Alqueva's Development & Infrastructures

Ring, before the intervention.
Ring, after the intervention.
Ring, before the intervention.
Ring, after the intervention.
Buckle, before the intervention.
Buckle, after the intervention.
Plaque, before the intervention.
Plaque, after the intervention.
Button, before intervention.
Button, after intervention.
Nails, before the intervention.
Nails, before the intervention.