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Metallic alloys, Iron Age, Figueira da Foz

2013 Conservation and Restoration

Intervention on an ensemble of metal artefacts, originating in the Iron Age, from the collection of the Municipal Museum Santos Rocha, exhumed in archaeological sites of Santa Olaia hills, in the area of Figueira da Foz (Coimbra), developed within the scope of the research project "O Outeiro de Santa Olaia" ("The Hill of Santa Olaia"), funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

  • Needles (5), pin, rings (4), spear, earrings (2), copper alloy.
  • Bead necklace (?), clasps (7), clasp fragments (2), copper alloy.
  • Plaque fragment, rods (8), plates (2), coins (2), copper alloy.
  • Arrowheads (2), clamps (2) and more artefacts (20), copper alloy.
  • Needle, slag and artefacts (3), iron alloy.

Acknowledgements Municipality of Figueira da Foz

Earrings, before the intervention.
Earrings, after the intervention.
Arrowhead, before the intervention.
Arrowhead, after the intervention.
Blade, before the intervention.
Blade, after the intervention.
Hook, before the intervention.
Hook, after the intervention.
Fíbula, before the intervention.
Fíbula, after the intervention.
Artefacts, before the intervention.
Artefacts, after the intervention.
Storage of archaeological artefacts.
Storage of archaeological artefacts.