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Metallic alloys, 14th c., Barcelos, Braga

2000 Conservation and Restoration

Artefacts exhumed from the archaeological site in the Castle of Faria* to display at the exhibition "pera guerrejar: Armamento Medieval no Espaço Português (s. IX a XV) (Medieval Weapons in Portuguese Territory (9-15cs.)" held at the National Archaeological Museum (1999-2000).

  • Crossbow arrowheads (5), stirrup and an buckle in iron alloy (15c (?).
  • Roller spur in iron alloy (14c).
  • Sword pommel in copper alloy (14c).

* The Castle of Faria is a former royal fortress in medieval ruins, now is an archaeological and historical site (National Monument, 1956).

Acknowledgements Municipality of Barcelos ~ National Museum of Archaeolgy

Sword pommel, before the intervention.
Sword pommel, after the intervention.
Cinch buckle, before the intervention.
Cinch buckle, after the intervention.
Crossbow bolt tip, before the intervention.
Crossbow bolt tip, after the intervention.
Crossbow bolt tip, before the intervention.
Crossbow bolt tip, after the intervention.