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Metallic alloys, Roman Times, V. F. Xira

2013 Conservation and Restoration

Treatment of artefacts (33) from the archaeological site in Monte dos Castelinhos, in the area of Vila Franca de Xira (Ribatejo). The works were done in 2008, 2010 and 2013.

  • Weight, projectile, projectile head in lead alloy.
  • Artefacts (2) in lead alloy.
  • Blade fragment and artefacts (8) in iron alloy.
  • Fibula, pendants (2) (?), magpie, nail and coin in copper alloy.
  • Element of fibula (?) and artefacts (12) in copper alloy.
  • Buckle in copper alloy and iron alloy.

Acnowledgements Municipality of Vila Franca de Xira

Wing of situla, before the intervention.
Wing of situla, after the intervention.
Buckle, before the intervention.
Buckle, after the intervention.
Artefact, before the intervention.
Artefact, after the intervention.
Thimble, before the intervention.
Thimble, after the intervention.
Medal, before the intervention.
Medal, after the intervention.
Artefact, before the intervention.
Artefact, after the intervention.
Artefact, before the intervention.
Artefact, after the intervention.
Hoop, before the intervention.
Hoop, after the intervention.
Projectile, before intervention.
Projectile, after intervention.
Axe, before the intervention.
Axe, after the intervention.
Blade, before and after the intervention.
Clasp, before and after the intervention.