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Metallic alloys, Alqueva, Alentejo

2015 Conservation and Restoration

Conservion and restortion of an ensemble of artefacts, exhumed from five archaeological sites in the Region of Alqueva (Alentejo), which joined the exhibition Alqueva: 20 anos de obra, 200 milénios de história (20 Years of Work, 200 Millennia of History), shown in Torre Oca (hollow tower), from the Monastery of Jerónimos:

  • Porto Torrão: Saw in copper alloy.
  • Palhais: Belt in copper alloy.
  • Castelo Velho do Degebe: Fíbula, spur element and harness disk in copper alloy.
  • Magra 3: Fibula in copper and iron alloys, fibulae (2) and coins (2) in copper alloy.
  • Herdade da Ponte de Lx: Spearhead, an axe and a dagger in iron alloy.

Acknowledgements EDIA, Development and Infrastructures of Alqueva ~ National Archaeological Museum ~ Culture Regional Directorate of Alentejo ~ Portuguese Navy

Fibula, before the intervention.
Fibula, after the intervention.
Fibula, before the intervention.
Fibula, after the intervention.
Buckle, before the intervention.
Buckle, after the intervention.
Saw, before the intervention.
Saw, after the intervention.