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Metallic alloys, Albufeira, Algarve

2010 Conservation and Restoration

Treatment of an ensemble of metal archaeological artefacts from the collection of the Council Museum of Archaeology in Albufeira (Algarve), whose origin comes from an arcaeologicalsite in the historic centre of this town.

  • Artefacts (9), lapel pins (3), button in copper alloy.
  • Wire and plate in copper alloy.
  • Artefact in copper alloy and iron alloy and a loop (metal?).
  • Plates (2), cossoiros (2) and button in bone.
  • Bead and fragment in wood, fragment in wood and bone.
  • Fragments (2) in glass.
  • Sphere from a game in stone.
  • Helmet and bullet in iron alloy.
  • Seal in lead.

Acknowledgements Municipality of Albufeira (Algarve)

Barrette, before the intervention.
Barrette, after the intervention.
Artefact, before the intervention.
Artefact, after the intervention.
Artefact, before the intervention.
Artefact, after the intervention.
Bead (bone), before the intervention.
Bead (bone), after the intervention.
Lead seal, before intervention.
Lead seal, after intervention.