Treatment of archaeological artefacts exhumed from the site of the Watermill of Santa Cruz*, Torres Vedras (Estremadura), built by the end of the 15th c., classified as a Building of Public Interest (1997), transformed today into an Interpretative Centre.
- Thimbles (2), tack, bolt, button, rattle in copper alloy (20th c.).
- Bullet (18-19cs) and a weight (19-20th cs.) in lead alloy.
- Decorative elements (2) in gilded copper alloy (17-19th cs.).
- Artefact in copper and iron alloys.
- Medal in silver alloy(?).
- Spoon in alpaca, cable cutlery in metal (?).
* Consult: Luna, I, e Cardoso, G. 2008. Azenha de Santa Cruz, Torres Vedras: resultados dos trabalhos arqueológicos, (results of the archaeological excavations) 2004-2007, 2 vols., Torres Vedras [mimeographed].
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