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The Memory of the Islam

1998 Creation

Contemporary jewellery collection, called "The Memory of Islam", inspired by decorative elements of some exhumed archaeological artefacts from the Kasbah of the Castle of Mértola*, under the responsibility of the Campo Arqueológico de Mértola (Mértola Archaeological Site) and also in some objects from the Eastern Islamic Art Collection of the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum (Lisbon).

* Artefacts displayed at the exhibition Portugal Islâmico - os ùltimos sinais do Mediterrâneo (Islamic Portugal - the last Mediterranean signals) at the Portuguese National Museum of Archaeology [1998-99] in Lisbon.

Design Sofia Serrano, Inês Correia and Paula Miranda

Acknowledgements National Museum of Archaeology (Lisbon) ~ Archaeological Field of Mértola (Alentejo) ~ Calouste Gulbenkian Museum

Bowl (11th c.), illustration of a bird and a pin.
Bowl (11th c.), illustration of a gazelle and brooch.
Object of adornment (11th c.), illustration and ring.
Tile (16th c.) and necklace with pendant.
Illustration of a bird (11th c. bowl)
Illustration of a gazelle (bowl, 11th century)
Illustration of an Islamic geometry (object of adornment, 11th c.)
Mértola Village - Historic Centre