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laboratorio chimico, Science Museum

2007 Creation

Contemporary jewellery artefacts inspired by the shape of some scientific devices [19th c.], like reaction vase, still, reflux condenser, Bunsen burners, among others, from the collection of the laboratorio chimico* of the former Lisbon Polytechnic School [1837-1911], recovered in the original design from the nineteenth century, now integrated in the National Museum of Natural History and Science.

* It is a unique example of the nineteenth-century European scientific heritage, through which generations of students passed for more than 150 years.

Design Teresa Milheiro

Acknowledgements National Museum of Natural History and Science ~ University of Lisboa

laboratorio chimico
Reaction vase and a necklace made of silver and leather.
Still and artefact made of silver and porcelain.
Reflux condenser and necklace made of silver and leather.