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"laboratorio chimico", University of Lisboa

2007 Event

With the recovery of the laboratory chimico to its original form of the 19th c., today inserted in the National Museum of Natural History and Science, a conservation and restoration intervention was carried out on an ensemble of scientific devices(100) in metal (iron alloy and copper alloy), wood, ceramics and glass, including:

  • Alembic, Carré apparatus and Reaction Vessel
  • Colorimeter, Polarimeter, Projection Lanterns and Prisms
  • Presses, Vacuum Machines & Pneumatic Machines,
  • Manual pumps and air pumps
  • Gasometers and Bunsen Nozzles
  • Ovens, Grills, Kilns and Basins
  • Test tube holders
  • Scales


Acknowledgements National Museum of Natural History and Science ~ University of Lisboa ©

Image of the benches of the laboratorio chimico. ©
Image of laboratorio chimico ©
Image of the visitable reserve of the laboratorio chimico. ©
Image of the visitable reserve of the laboratorio chimico. ©