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Art Collections, Calouste Gulbenkian Museum

2008 Creation

Contemporary jewellery collection inspired by several decorative motifs in some artefacts included in the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum Art Collections:

  • Egyptian Art: Torso of the King Pedubast, Egipt, 818-793 BC.
  • Islamic East Art: Hanging, 17c. and Tile Panel, 1573, Turkey.
  • Far East Art: Inró, Japan, 18-19cs.
  • Art of the Book: Manuscript of Koran, Turkey and Book of Hours Afonso I D’ Este, 16c., Book of the Selected Insects, Japan, 1753-1806.

Design Teresa Milheiro

Drapery, 16th c., drawing and jewellery artefact.
Inro, 18-19th cs., drawing and jewellery artefact.
Fabric, 16 th c., drawing and jewellery artefact.
Book of Insects, 18th c., drawing and jewellery artefact.