Contemporary jewellery collection called Monte da Lua , inspired by the stone patterns, windows squared stones, portico decorations, existing in National Pena Palace*, Palace of Monserrate** and Convent of Capuchos***, all built in the Cultural Landscape of Sintra, classified as World Heritage [1995] by the Unesco, whose protection is the society Parques de Sintra - Monte da Lua responsibility.
* The National Palace of Pena, built by the Baron von Eschwege [1839] to D. Ferdinand of Saxe Coburg-Gotha, King-Consort (also known as the King-artist), who married the Queen Mary II [1836], is today one of the highest expressions of Romanticism applied to the 19th century architectural heritage in Portugal.
** In the Palace of Monserrate, designed by the architect James Knowles Jr. to Francis Cook, Viscount of Monserrate [1858], built over a neo-Gothic mansion ruins, there is accordingly to José-Augusto França, "the greatest wealth of archaeological details" which delivers an obvious and clear difference compared to other coeval romantic buildings in Portugal.
*** The Convent of Santa Cruz da Serra de Sintra, known as the Convent of The Capuchos, founded by D. Alvaro de Castro, pursuant to a promise done to his father, D. João de Castro, Vice-King of India [1560], embodies the ideal of universal brotherhood and sisterhood, inherent to the values of the Grey friars, who once lived there, in a spirit of true communion with nature.
Design Teresa Milheiro e Inês Correia