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The Mountain of the Moon, Sintra

2003 Creation

Contemporary jewellery collection called Monte da Lua , inspired by the stone patterns, windows squared stones, portico decorations, existing in National Pena Palace*, Palace of Monserrate** and Convent of Capuchos***, all built in the Cultural Landscape of Sintra, classified as World Heritage [1995] by the Unesco, whose protection is the society Parques de Sintra - Monte da Lua responsibility.

* The National Palace of Pena, built by the Baron von Eschwege [1839] to D. Ferdinand of Saxe Coburg-Gotha, King-Consort (also known as the King-artist), who married the Queen Mary II [1836], is today one of the highest expressions of Romanticism applied to the 19th century architectural heritage in Portugal.

** In the Palace of Monserrate, designed by the architect James Knowles Jr. to Francis Cook, Viscount of Monserrate [1858], built over a neo-Gothic mansion ruins, there is accordingly to José-Augusto França, "the greatest wealth of archaeological details" which delivers an obvious and clear difference compared to other coeval romantic buildings in Portugal.

*** The Convent of Santa Cruz da Serra de Sintra, known as the Convent of The Capuchos, founded by D. Alvaro de Castro, pursuant to a promise done to his father, D. João de Castro, Vice-King of India [1560], embodies the ideal of universal brotherhood and sisterhood, inherent to the values of the Grey friars, who once lived there, in a spirit of true communion with nature.

Design Teresa Milheiro e Inês Correia

Window in the National Palace of Pena
Necklace made of silver with a set stone.
Six-pointed flower at the Convent of Capuchos
Necklace made of silver alloy.
Wall covering of the Palace of Monserrate and brooch made of silver and stones.
Parietal covering of the Palace of Monserrate and brooch made of silver and gold.
Manueline stonework at the National Palace of Pena and bracelet made of silver and stones.
Guardhouse at the National Palace of Pena and ring made of silver.