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Equipment, Tomarense Foundry, Tomar

2021 Conservation and Restoration

Conservation and restoration of integrated heritage and movable heritage (120 items), a set of equipment and tools used in the work of the ancient Tomarense Foundry, which integrates the second Museum Centre of the Levada Cultural Complex (Tomar)

  • milling machine, lathe (5 units), drilling (3 units);
  • filer (2 units), mechanical disc saw, grinder;
  • spindle press, cutting scissors, hacksaw,
  • rolling machine;
  • forge, chimney flap, anvil, sand sieves (2 units);
  • support for iron bars, washbasin, electrical panel;
  • spoon and crucible holders (2 units);
  • oven power fan, sand kneader;
  • storage shelves, gas oven, Cubilot oven;
  • foundry cups (crucibles), welding bench;
  • work benches and respective lathes (5 units);
  • compressor, easels, scale and support, bellows;
  • iron bars, clamping lathe, welding machine;
  • various tools and equipment;
  • wheelbarrow, bicycle, trolleys (2 units), cart;
  • office.

Acknowledgements Levada Cultural Complex (Tomar); Municipality of Tomar ~ Polytechnic Institute of Tomar ~ Maria João Petisca, conservadora-restauradora ~ Restaurar e Conservar ~ Portugal Camping and Mountaineering Federation ~ Círculos de Hábitos/Comenda da Póvoa/Casa do Jardim Escola/Eduardo António de Elvas Duarte - Accommodation

Trolley, before the intervention.
Trolley, after the intervention.
Forge, before the intervention.
Forge, after the intervention.
Oven Cubilot, before the intervention.
Oven Cubilot, after the intervention.
Cauldron, before the intervention.
Cauldron, after the intervention.
Universal milling machine with attached motor, before the intervention.
Universal milling machine with attached motor, after the intervention.
Coupled motorcycle lathe, before the intervention.
Coupled motorcycle lathe, after the intervention.
Drill, before the intervention.
Drill, after the intervention.
Welding machine, before intervention.
Welding machine, after intervention.
Artefacts, before the intervention.
Artefacts, after the intervention.