- Isabel Tissota,b, Carla Martinhoc, Maria F. Guerrab,d. 2014. Braceletes ibéricos em ouro da Idade do Bronze/Ferro (Gold Iberian bracelets from Bronze/Iron Ages). In A Ourivesaria Pré-histórica do Ocidente Peninsular Atlântico. Compreender para Preservar (The Prehistoric Goldwork of the Western Peninsular Atlantic. Understanding to Preserve), pg. 100-102, Guerra e Tissot (ed.), AuCORRE, Lisboa.
Braceletes ibéricos em ouro da Idade do Bronze/Ferro
a Archeofactu
b Centre for Atomic Physics, University of Lisbon
c Scholarship Project AuCORRE
d Research and Restoration Centre of the Museums of France and UMR8220 CNRS