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Earrings of Pancas Treasury

2014 Publication


  • Tissota,b, M. Tissota,c, M. Mansob, L.C. Alves, d, M.A. Barreiros e, T. Marceloe, M.L. Carvalhob, V. Corrigedord, M.F. Guerrab,f. 2014. Arrecadas da Colecção do Museu Nacional de Arqueologia (MNA) - o Tesouro de Pancas: entre as Idades do Bronze e do Ferro (Earrings from the Collection of the National Museum of Archaeology (MNA) - the Treasury of Pancas: between the Bronze and Iron Ages. In A Ourivesaria Pré-histórica do Ocidente Peninsular Atlântico. Compreender para Preservar ("The Prehistoric Goldsmithing of the Western Peninsular Atlantic. Understanding to Preserve", pp.103-106, Guerra e Tissot (ed.), AuCORRE, Lisboa.
    Arrecadas da colecção do MNA: o Tesouro de Pancas entre as Idades do Bronze e do Ferro

    a Archeofactu
    b Centre for Atomic Physics, University of Lisbon
    c National Museum of Archaeology
    d Higher Technical Institute, Technological and Nuclear Campus
    e National Energy and Geology Laboratory
    f French Museums Research and Restoration Centre and UMR8220 CNRS
AuCORRE Project