Participation on the project*: PTDC/HAH/81368/2006, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), designated by: "Tomb of D. Afonso of Portugal from Braga Cathedral. Study and intervention of the composite object (metal and wood) and the issue of its conservation", in which a conservation and restoration treatment of the tomb of Prince Afonso of Portugal** [1390-1400], from the Cathedral of Braga, was performed. The whole tomb, in gold and silver copper, consisting of a chest tomb and a recumbent [15th c.], presumably originating from Burgoyne and a baldachin from later execution [16th c.], represents the only work of this kind in Portugal.
* This project, apart from Archeofactu, had also the collaboration of the Portuguese Institute of Museums and Conservation, the University of Lisbon (FL/UL) and the Braga's Primate and Metropolitan Corporation of Priests, a corporation of priests, founded by Bishop Pedro [1071], which acts as an advisory for the Archdiocese of Braga
** Prince Afonso of Portugal, the first son of King João I and Queen Filipa Lancaster, had the misfortune of dying with just over 10 years.