Participation on the project: PTDC/HAH/81368/2006, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), designated by: "Tomb of D. Afonso of Portugal from Braga Cathedral. Study and intervention of the composite object (metal and wood) and the issue of its conservation", in order to execute the following tasks:
a. material study/identification
b. technological study
c. state of conservation assessment
d. conservation and restoration treatment
e. evaluation and selection of preventive conservation and exhibition parameters.
Participants Archeofactu ~ Institute of Museums and Conservation ~ University of Lisbon ~ Braga's Primate and Metropolitan Chapter*
* Corporation of priests, founded by Bishop Pedro [1071], which acts as an advisory for the Archdiocese of Braga.
APPROVED Final Report
The scientific goals have been fully achieved. The results show high scientific quality, particularly in terms of publications in international journals with referee. This project helped to train young researchers and the international team involved.
Members of the Final Evaluation Committee, from the areas of History, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage - 2006