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Study, County Museum, Torres Vedras

2004 Research

This study consisted on diagnosis and monitoring of some preventive conservation parameters in the showrooms and rooms for reservation of the Museum, having the perspective of further elaboration and implementation of a Preventive Conservation Plan for this Council Museum Leonel Trindade, installed in the former Our Lady of Grace Convent*. Existing problems were identified and some feasible solutions were recommended, in order to affect the different rooms to the purposes they should perform, considering the conservation risk factors involved.

* Founded by the Hermits of St. Augustine (final 14th c.), would become the main religious, cultural and health care town centre (until 19th c.).

Acknowledgements Municipality of Torres Vedras

Image of the interior of a display case at the Museum.
Image of display cases with incidence of sunlight.
View of an exhibition room in the Museum
View of an exhibition room in the Museum
Artefacts placed in a box in the Museum's reserves
Shelf with ceramic artefacts in the Museum's reserves.