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Reliquaries, Museum of St. Roque

2008 Conservation and Restoration

Treatment of eight reliquaries from the Sacred Art Collection of St. Roque Museum:

  • St. Donato Martyr (14th c.) in gilded silver alloy and glass.
  • Madonna and the Child (16th c.) in carved and gilded silver alloy.
  • Holy Thorn of the Christ Crown (1600) in rock crystal, gold and enamel.
  • The Tabula (17th c.) in ebony, gilded bronze, colour glasses and oil painting on copper.
  • Annunciation (17th c.) in ebony, silver alloy and stones.
  • St. Prosperous and St. Valentine, (18th c.) in gilded silver alloy.
  • St. Boniface and St. Faust in silver alloy and gilded brass.

Acknowledgements Museum of St. Roque (Lisboa) ~ Lisbon Holly House of Mercy.

Reliquary Our Lady and Child, before the intervention.
Reliquary Our Lady and Child, after the intervention.
Reliquary Saint Valentine, before the intervention.
Reliquary Saint Valentine, after the intervention.
Saint Prospero reliquary, before the intervention.
Saint Prospero reliquary, after the intervention.
Annunciation reliquary, before the intervention.
Annunciation reliquary, after the intervention.
Reliquary The Tabula, before the intervention.
Reliquary The Tabula, after the intervention.
Reliquary Saint Donatus Martyr, before the intervention.
Reliquary Saint Donatus Martyr, after the intervention.