Treatment of eight reliquaries from the Sacred Art Collection of St. Roque Museum:
- St. Donato Martyr (14th c.) in gilded silver alloy and glass.
- Madonna and the Child (16th c.) in carved and gilded silver alloy.
- Holy Thorn of the Christ Crown (1600) in rock crystal, gold and enamel.
- The Tabula (17th c.) in ebony, gilded bronze, colour glasses and oil painting on copper.
- Annunciation (17th c.) in ebony, silver alloy and stones.
- St. Prosperous and St. Valentine, (18th c.) in gilded silver alloy.
- St. Boniface and St. Faust in silver alloy and gilded brass.
Acknowledgements Museum of St. Roque (Lisboa) ~ Lisbon Holly House of Mercy.