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Mock-up of Chapel, 1744-47, Museum of St. Roque

2008 Conservation and Restoration

Treatment of one mock-up of the Chapel of St. John the Baptist in polychrome and gilded walnut tree, with painting on copper, designed by the cabinet-maker Giuseppe Palms and painted by Giuseppe Fochetti, Giuseppe Voyet and Genaro Nicoletti [1744-1747], from the Collection of the Museum of St. Roque (Lisbon). This work was coordinated by Maria João Petisca, conservator-restorer.

Acknowledgements Museum of St. Roque (Lisboa) ~ Lisbon Holly House of Mercy.

Detail of the mock-up, before the intervention.
Detail of the mock-up, after the intervention.
Detail of the mock-up, before the intervention.
Detail of the mock-up, after the intervention.
Detail of the mock-up, before the intervention.
Detail of the mock-up, after the intervention.
Chapel mock-up, before the intervention.
Chapel mock-up, after the intervention.