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Liturgical implements, 18-19th cs., Beja, Alentejo

2004 Conservation and Restoration

Conservation and restoration of an ensemble of liturgical implements from the collection of the Diocesan Seminary Museum* in Beja:

  • Thurible and a spoon in silver (18thc).
  • Bell in copper alloy and silver (19thc);
  • Bell in copper alloy, silver and iron (19thc).
  • Ballot box for the Abbess election in poly-chromatic tin-plate with gilded copper alloy applications (19thc).

*The Museum of the Diocesan Seminary, settled at the sala funda (“deep room”) in the Seminary, is divided in two centres - sacred art and archaeology - addressing the experiences of Paganism and the rise of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Acknowledgements Museum of the Diocesan Seminary (Beja, Alentejo) ~ Diocese of Beja.

Bell, before the intervention.
Bell, after the intervention.
Bell, before the intervention.
Bell, after the intervention.
Censer and spoon, before the intervention.
Censer and spoon, after the intervention.
Vote box for the election of the Abbess, before the intervention.
Vote box for the election of the Abbess, after the intervention.