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Hyposcaenium, 1st c., Roman Theatre, Lisbon

2015 Conservation and Restoration

Outer covering (flooring) in opus signinium from the hyposcaenium, near of the hydraulic system for rainwater and the orchaestra from the ruins of the Roman Theatre. Work done by António Morgado, expert in conservation and restoration.

Acknowledgements The Museum of Lisbon - Roman Theatre ~ Municipality of Lisbon © ~ António Morgado ©

Hyposcaenium in the Ruins of Roman Theatre, before the intervention.
Hyposcaenium in the Ruins of Roman Theatre, after the intervention.
Pavement of opus signinum in the Ruins of the Teatro Romano, during the intervention.
Pavement in the Ruins of the Roman Theatre ©
Representation drawings of the pavement of the Ruins of the Roman Theatre.
Floor plan of the Ruins of the Roman Theatre ©