Execution of a resin reproduction of a bronze sculpture* (I AD - II AD), representing a naked young man, with open arms and head raised, looking up; hair falls out in wide curls, tied by a ribbon tied on top, in order to leave a straw of hair on the forehead.
* This sculpture, which is part of the collection of the Fryar Manuel do Cenáculo National Museum (ME 4462) in Évora, was founded in 1976 in the Herdade da Oliveirinha (Évora) by agricultural workers of the S. Mansos Workers Unit Cooperative.
Acknowledgements Municipality of Évora (Alentejo) ~ National Museum of Frei Manuel do Cenáculo (Évora) ~ 3DWays, Design, Prototyping, Manufacturing ~ Directorate-General of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture ©