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Two-tone mosaic, Roman Period, Batalha

2009 Replicas and Reproductions

Polyester resin replica from a two-tone mosaic [Roman Period] of black and white tesserae, with a figurative representation of a Hippocampus* andante (173x142 cm), from the collection of the National Museum Archaeology (N.º 18 207), coming from the archaeological site of St. Sebastião from Freixo, Batalha, Leiria.

* "Hippocampus" comes from the Ancient Greek hippókampos, itself from híppos meaning "horse" and kámpos meaning "sea monster" or "sea animal". Having a head and neck suggestive of a horse, seahorses also feature segmented bony armour, an upright posture and a curled prehensile tail.

Acknowledgements Municipality of Batalha ~ Community Museum of Batalha ~ National Museum of Archaeology ~ MR Dinis dos Santos, Industrial Chemical Products

Original of a Roman mosaic with the figure of Hippocampus.
Replica made of polyester resin of a Roman mosaic with the figure of Hippocampus.
Detail of one replica made of polyester resin of a Roman mosaic with the figure of Hippocampus.
Detail of one replica made of polyester resin of a Roman mosaic with the figure of Hippocampus.