Canvas reproduction of a photographic image of an altar front in guadamecil, dated from the 16-17th cs., that belonged to the Church of Santo André (Mafra). It is currently on deposit at the National Palace of Mafra, under the custody of the Royal and Venerable Brotherhood of the Blessed Sacrament of Mafra. The image is on display in the Interpretation Centre of the Village of Mafra*.
* Interpretation Centre of the Village of Mafra is located in the Quinta da Raposa Cultural Complex, like the Ernesto Soares Documentation Centre, the Interpretation Centre of the Lines of Torres in Mafra and a workshop for teaching arts and crafts.
Acknowledgements Interpretation Centre of the Village of Mafra ~ Municipality of Mafra ~ Royal and Venerable Brotherhood of the Blessed Sacrament of Mafra ~ National Palace of Mafra ~ Mário Violante Studios, Photography and video © ~ Bact3ria - Advertising Production