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Coins, Roman & Middle Age, V. F. Xira

2010 Conservation and Restoration

Conservation and restoration of 18 copper alloy coins from the collection of the Council Museum of Vila Franca de Xira (Ribatejo), namely: 10 Roman coins, a coin King Sancho I (?), a coin King Sancho II, a coin King Afonso II, a coin King Sebastian, 4 coins from the archaeological site in the Escola Velha dos Povos (People's Old School).

Acknowledgements Municipality of Vila Franca de Xira

Roman coin, before the intervention.
Roman coin, after the intervention.
Roman coin, before the intervention.
Roman coin, after the intervention.
Roman coin, before the intervention.
Roman coin, after the intervention.
Coin, before the intervention.
Coin, after the intervention.
Coin, before the intervention.
Coin, before the intervention.
Coin, before the intervention.
Coin, after the intervention.
Coin D. Afonso III, before the intervention.
Coin D. Afonso III, after the intervention.
Coin, before the intervention.
Coin, after the intervention.