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Coins, Roman Times, Cadaval, Lisboa

2001 Replicas and Reproductions

Execution of six polyester resin replicas of Roman coins from the archaeological site of Castro Pragança (Cadaval - Lisboa).

Acknowledgements Municipality of Cadaval ~ MR Dinis dos Santos, Industrial Chemical Products

Roman silver coin, original.
Polyester resin replica of an original silver coin (Roman).
Copper alloy Roman coin, original.
Polyester resin replica of an original (Roman) copper alloy coin.
Copper alloy Roman coin, original.
Polyester resin replica of an original (Roman) copper alloy coin.
Polyester resin replica of an original silver coin (Roman).
Polyester resin replica of an original (Roman) copper alloy coin.
Ensemble of 6 polyester resin replicas, copies of original Roman coins, obverse.
Ensemble of 6 polyester resin replicas, copies of original Roman coins, reverse.