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Coins, 14-20 cs., Castle of Torres Vedras

2012 Conservation and Restoration

Conservation and restoration of 70 coins exhumed from archaeological excavations in the region of Torres Vedras:

  • 53 copper alloy coins, collected in the existing well in the City Hall building.
    Work carried out in 2012.
  • 17 copper, silver and bolhão alloy coins collected near the Castle of Torres Vedras* (CAS 03).
    Work carried out in 2006.

* The Castle of Torres Vedras, conquered from the Muslims by King D. Afonso Henriques [1148], preserves the marks of the Gothic and Manueline styles, boasting, at the entrance gate, armillary spheres and the cross of the Order of Christ.

Acknowledgements Municipality of Torres Vedras ©

Two coins, before and after the intervention.
Two coins, before and after the intervention.
Two coins, before and after the intervention.
Two coins, before and after the intervention.
Coin, before the intervention.
Coin, after the intervention.
Three coins, before and after the intervention.
Castle of Torres Vedras ©