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Tramagal Thresher, 20th c., Cascais

2024 Conservation and Restoration

Conservation and Restoration of a Tramagal Thresher, from the collection of the Cascais Rural Space Interpretation Centre, in Casal Saloio of Outeiro de Polima (Cascais).

Acknowledgements Municipality of Cascais ~ Woodwork Rocha ~ Reapte, Artistic Metalwork ~ Transgrua, Transports ~ GeralSeg, Safety systems

Thresher, before the intervention.
Thresher, before the intervention.
Thresher, after washing, during the intervention.
Thresher, covered, after being washed, during the intervention.
Thresher, at the exhibition site, during the intervention.
Tramagal Thresher, after the intervention.
Thresher, with new elements, during the intervention.
Thresher, with new elements, during the intervention.
Tramagal thresher, after the intervention (detail).
Tramagal thresher, after the intervention (detail).
Thresher, with new elements, during the intervention (detail).
Thresher, with new integrated elements, during the intervention (detail).
Thresher, with new elements, during the intervention (detail).
Tramagal Thresher, after the intervention (detail).
Thresher, with new integrated elements, during the intervention.
Tramagal Thresher, after the intervention.
Tramagal Thresher, after the intervention.
Tramagal Thresher, after the intervention.