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Tombstone, Islamic Period, Évora

2020 Replicas and Reproductions

Execution of a replica in resin by silicone cast of a rectangular marble tombstone (40x63x6 cm) with commemorative inscriptions on two sides, one in archaic kufic related to the reconstruction (A.D. 302-914/915), the other in simple kufic related to the foundation (6th-12th cs.) of the city of Évora. Currently the tombstone with double inscription belongs to the collection of the Fryar Manuel do Cenáculo National Museum (Évora).

Acknowledgements Municipality of Évora ~ National Museum of Frei Manuel do Cenáculo (Évora) ~ Santos e Elvas, Chemical Products (Seixal) ~ Interfareba, Chemical Products (Barcelona) ~ Assyst bvba, Art Supplies and Systems (Berlaar, Belgium) ~ Photographic Documentation Division/ DGPC ©

Original marble tombstone (front) ©
Tombstone made of resin, replica of a marble tombstone (front).
Original marble tombstone (back) ©
Tombstone made of resin, replica of a marble tombstone (back).