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Ara, 1st c., Roman Times, Viseu

2015 Replicas and Reproductions

Execution of polyester resin replicas, in 2013 and 2015 of one granite sculpture representing an altar (1st century, Roman Period), a votive altar with inscription*, collected in one excavation held in Calçada do Viriato (Viseu), during the operations carried out under the programme known as Viseu Polis (2007-2008). These replicas were produced for two purposes:

  • to integrate the performance, VISSAIUM, by Viriato Theatre;
  • to integrate the collection of the PO.RO.S., Roman Portugal Museum (Condeixa-Coimbra).

(*) On the altar is carved the following "Às deusas e deuses vissaieigenses, Albino, filho de Quéreas, cumpriu o voto de bom grado e merecidamente" ("To the Goddesses and the Gods of Vissaium, Albino, son of Quereas, accomplished his vote willingly and deservedly")
Ara of "Vissaium": The origin of the name of Viseu

Acknowledgements Centre for Performing Arts of Viseu ~ PO.RO.S., Roman Portugal Museum in Sicó (Condeixa) ~ Novotecna, Association for Technological Development ~ FabLab Coimbra ~ MR Dinis dos Santos, Industrial Chemical Products ~ EON, Creative Industries ~ Municipality of Viseu © ~ Municipality of Condeixa ©

Original altar made of granite, on display.
Altar replica made of polyester resin.