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Cup of Troia, s. I-II, Advice, Grândola, Alentejo

2023 Preventive Conservation

Advice on preventive conservation for the exposure of the Cup of Troia in silver alloy with gold applications, exhumed in Troia (1814), inside a leaded cinerar urn, reproducing a representation of xenia, hospitality and courtesy scene, with engraved and chiselled figurative motifs.

> P. Valério, M.F. Araújo. 2018. Caracterização do Vaso de Tróia - relatório preliminar (Characterisation of the Cup of Troia- preliminary report), Nuclear Science and Technology Centre, Higher Technical Institute, University of Lisboa.
> Carta e parecer sobre a Taça (Letter and Advice on the Cup), Historic Archive, Museum-Library of the House of Bragança, FCB-MBCB, AH, NNG 3462/8.

Acknowledgements House of Bragança Foundation

Detail of the Cup of Toia, after the intervention.
Packaging of the Cup of Troia, after treatment.
Cup of Toia, before the intervention.
Cup of Toia, after the intervention.