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Coins, Roman Imperial Times - Dominato

2016 Conservation and Restoration

Intervention on an ensemble of silver alloy numisms, from the Roman Imperial Dominate Period, from the collection of the Money Museum

  • Argenteus, Diocleciano, c. 294-295.
  • Argenteus, Maximiano, c. 295-296.
  • Argenteus, Diocleciano, c. 298.
  • Siliqua, Valentiniano I, 367-375.
  • Síliqua, Honório, 395-402.
  • Half siliqua, Requiário, 5th c.

Acknowledgements Money Museum ~ Bank of Portugal

Argenteus, Diocleciano, before the intervention.
Argenteus, Diocleciano, after the intervention.
Argenteus, Diocleciano, before the intervention.
Argenteus, Diocleciano, after the intervention.
Argenteus, Maximiano, c. 295-296, before the intervention.
Agenteus, Maximiano, c. 295-296, after the intervention.
Siliqua, Valentiniano I, 367-375, before the intervention.
Siliqua, Valentiniano I, 367-375, after the intervention.
Síliqua, Honório, 395-402, before the intervention.
Síliqua, Honório, 395-402, after the intervention.
Half siliqua, Requiário, 5th c., before the intervention.
Half siliqua, Requiário, 5th c., after the intervention.