Intervention on a set of silver alloy numisms from Classical Antiquity (c. 530-215 BC, Greece), from the collection of the Money Museum (Lisbon).
- Stater, Metaponto, c. 530-510 BC, Archaic Greek Period.
- Stater, Egina, c. 440 BC, Classic Greek Period.
- Dydrachma, Tarento, c. 380-345 BC, Classic Greek Period.
- Tetradrachma, Lisímaco, c. 297-281 BC, Hellenistic Period.
- Stater, Corinto, c. 250-225 BC, Hellenistic Period.
- 16 litras of Hieron II, Siracusa, 216-215 BC, Hellenistic Period.
Acknowledgements Money Museum ~ Bank of Portugal