Intervention for the conservation and restoration of an ensemble of coins from the Medieval Period, from the Money Museum (Bank of Portugal) collection:
- 2xDirham, Abderráman II e Abd al-Rahman I, 8-9th cs., silver alloy.
- 2xDinheiro, Veneza, Carlos o Calvo, 9th c., silver alloy.
- Dirham, Al Hakim I, 9th c., silver alloy.
- Quirate, Ibn Qasi, 12th c., silver alloy.
- 2xDinheiro, D. Afonso VII e Bertrand de Urgel, 12th c., bolhão.
- Square Dirham, Musa Ben Mahfuz, 13th c., silver alloy.
- 3xDinheiro, 2xD. Afonso III e D. Sancho II, 13th c., bolhão.
- Grosso, Bohemundo VII, 13-14th cs., silver alloy.
- Dinheiro, D. Dinis, 13-14th cs., bolhão.
- 2xDinheiro, D. Pedro I, D. Afonso IV, 14th c., bolhão.
- Forte, D. Fernando I, 14th c., silver alloy.
- 3xTornês, 2xGrave, Barbuda, Pilarte, D. Fernando I, 14th c., bolhão.
- Real e ½ Real (120 e 60 Dinheiros), D. Fernando I, 14th c., silver alloy.
- Real Sevilha, D. Pedro I de Castela, 14th c., silver alloy.
- 2xReal, 10 Soldos, João Regedor, 14th c., silver alloy,
- Real (10 Reis), silver alloy, Real preto copper alloy, D. João I, 14th c.
- 2x¼ Real, bolhão, Real preto, copper alloy, D. João I, 14-15th cs.
Acknowledgements Money Museum ~ Bank of Portugal