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Coins, 8-14th cs., Middle Age

2016 Conservation and Restoration

Intervention for the conservation and restoration of an ensemble of coins from the Medieval Period, from the Money Museum (Bank of Portugal) collection:

  • 2xDirham, Abderráman II e Abd al-Rahman I, 8-9th cs., silver alloy.
  • 2xDinheiro, Veneza, Carlos o Calvo, 9th c., silver alloy.
  • Dirham, Al Hakim I, 9th c., silver alloy.
  • Quirate, Ibn Qasi, 12th c., silver alloy.
  • 2xDinheiro, D. Afonso VII e Bertrand de Urgel, 12th c., bolhão.
  • Square Dirham, Musa Ben Mahfuz, 13th c., silver alloy.
  • 3xDinheiro, 2xD. Afonso III e D. Sancho II, 13th c., bolhão.
  • Grosso, Bohemundo VII, 13-14th cs., silver alloy.
  • Dinheiro, D. Dinis, 13-14th cs., bolhão.
  • 2xDinheiro, D. Pedro I, D. Afonso IV, 14th c., bolhão.
  • Forte, D. Fernando I, 14th c., silver alloy.
  • 3xTornês, 2xGrave, Barbuda, Pilarte, D. Fernando I, 14th c., bolhão.
  • Real e ½ Real (120 e 60 Dinheiros), D. Fernando I, 14th c., silver alloy.
  • Real Sevilha, D. Pedro I de Castela, 14th c., silver alloy.
  • 2xReal, 10 Soldos, João Regedor, 14th c., silver alloy,
  • Real (10 Reis), silver alloy, Real preto copper alloy, D. João I, 14th c.
  • 2x¼ Real, bolhão, Real preto, copper alloy, D. João I, 14-15th cs.

Acknowledgements Money Museum ~ Bank of Portugal

Dirham, Abd al-Rahman I, 8-9th c., before the intervention.
Dirham, Abd al-Rahman I, 8-9th c., after the intervention.
Dirham, Al Hakim I, 9th c., before the intervention.
Dirham, Al Hakim I,9th c., after the intervention.
Quirate, Ibn Qasi,12th c., before the intervention.
Quirate, Ibn Qasi,12th c., after the intervention.
Square dirham, Musa Ben Mahfuz, 13th c., before the intervention.
Square dirham, Musa Ben Mahfuz, 13th c., after the intervention.
Grosso, Bohemundo VII, 13-14th cs., before the intervention.
Grosso, Bohemundo VII, 13-14th cs., after the intervention..
Forte, D. Fernando I, 14th c., before the intervention.
Forte, D. Fernando I, 14th, after the intervention.
Real (120 Dinheiros), D. Fernando I,14th c., before the intervention.
Real (120 Dinheiros), D. Fernando I, 14th c., after the intervention.
Tornês de cruz, D. Fernando I, 14th c., before the intervention.
Tornês de cruz, D. Fernando I, 14th c., after the intervention.
Real (10 Reis), D. João I,14th c., before the intervention.
Real (10 Reis), D. João I, 14th c., after the intervention.
Real preto, D. João I, 14th c., before the intervention.
Real preto, D. João I, 14th c., after the intervention.
Real Sevilha, D. Pedro I de Castela, 14th c., before the intervention.
Real Sevilha, D. Pedro I de Castela, 14th c., after the intervention.