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'Ordinary manuscript and ancient book', Workshop

2011 Education and Training

In accordance with the training program of the Eugénio de Almeida Foundation, a new call came to design and give a workshop targeted, in particular, to technicians and responsible for the collections management, maintenance and conservation, following this programme:
+ Clarify previously some concepts;
+ Awareness for the relevance of the study and the context;
+ Support for the interpretation of the state of conservation and the acknowledgement of the level of degradation;
+ Sensitize for the duty of conservation.

  • Correia, Inês. 2011. Observe, Acknowledge and Conserve the ordinary manuscript and the ancient book, workshop, Eugénio de Almeida Foundation, 27 April, Eugénio de Almeida Forum, Évora.
Eugénio de Almeida Foundation