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Oil lamp, Roman Times, Alvalade, Alentejo

2019 Replicas and Reproductions

Execution of one rosin reproduction of one oil lamp (1-2 cs. a.C., Roman Period), from unknown provenance, belonging to the Collection of the Fryar Manuel do Cenáculo National Museum (ME 5028), in Évora (Alentejo). Work done using 3D scanning and printing in grey colour rosin, through SLA (Stereolithography) technology.

Acknowledgements Municipality of Santiago do Cacém ~ National Museum of Friar Manuel do Cenáculo (Évora) ~ 3DWays, Design, Prototyping, Manufacturing

Original oil-lamp made of ceramics (Roman period).
Reproduction of an oil-lamp made of resin from a ceramic original (Roman Period).
Oil lamp, ceramic original, resin reproduction.