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Medical devices, Hermes Foundation

2024 Conservation and Restoration

Conservation and restoration of an ensemble of 9 medical devices with copper alloy coating, from the collection of House Museum Dr. Hermes, in Aveiro.

  • Irrigators Dr. Eguisier (4)
  • Pocket spittoons (3)
  • Mask of Ombrédanne
  • Barber-surgeon basin

Acknowledgements: Hermes House Foundation ~ House Museum Dr. Hermes

Tin irrigators Dr. Eguisier, before the intervention.
Tin irrigators Dr. Eguisier, after the intervention.
IrrigatorDr. Eguisiermade of porcelain and tin, before the intervention.
IrrigatorDr. Eguisiermade of porcelain and tin, after the intervention.
Detail of the Ombrédanne mask, before the intervention.
Detail of the Ombrédanne mask, after the intervention.
Ombrédanne mask, before the intervention.
Ombrédanne mask, after the intervention.
Pocket spittoons, before the intervention.
Pocket spittoons, after the intervention.
Barber-surgeon's basin, before the intervention.
Barber-surgeon's basin, before the intervention.