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Wine apparatus, Cellar Laboratory, Palmela

2023 Conservation and Restoration

Conservation and restoration of an ensemble of winemaking analytical instruments from the laboratories of two vacant wine cellars - Algeruz and Quaresma - located in the Palmela region. These objects are part of the temporary exhibition on enology: “Between glasses and balloons. From analytical essay to modern enology”.

Ensemble Family Briz - Algeruz wine cellar

  • Burette of Mohr, copper alloy, glass and earthenware
  • Acidimeter, Salleron Dujardin, chromed copper alloy, glass and painted iron
  • Ebullioscope, M. Salleron/ Dujardin Succ, Paris, including lamp, spyglass and ruler, copper alloy, glass
  • Extract-enometric disk, Salleron/Dujardin, chromed iron (?)

Ensemble Quaresma House - Quinta do Anjo

  • Bureta de Mohr, copper alloy, glass and earthenware
  • Gypsometer of Dujardin (?), wood and glass
  • Case of sulphur-enometric material, J. Dujardin de Salleron, wood
  • Centesimal alcoholometer, Gay-Lussac (?), glass and paper
  • Mathieu Apparatus (bateria de dois balões), J. Dujardin de Salleron, iron, copper, rubber and glass 
  • Corporate brand JMQ, wood
  • Originality award (1979), wood

Acknowledgements Municipality of Palmela

Acidimeter Salleron Dujardin, before the intervention.
Acidimeter Salleron Dujardin, after the intervention.
Mohr's buret J. Salleron Dujardin, before the intervention.
Mohr's buret J. Salleron Dujardin, after the intervention.
Apparatus J. Salleron Dujardin, before the intervention.
Apparatus J. Salleron Dujardin, after the intervention.
Ebulliometric disc J. Salleron Dujardin, before the intervention.
Ebulliometric disc J. Salleron Dujardin, after the intervention.
Incomplete boilioscope J. Salleron Dujardin, before the intervention.
Incomplete boilioscope J. Salleron Dujardin, after the intervention.
Acidimetric case J. Salleron Dujardin, before the intervention.
Acidimetric case J. Salleron Dujardin, after the intervention.
Dujardin gypsometer, before the intervention.
Dujardin gypsometer, after the intervention.