Design and execution of a brass trophy, inspired by the shape of an eggplant, resting on a wooden base with the following inscription in metal: Fórum sobre Património Marítimo Mediterrâneo, 24-25 Outubro, 2008 - Seixal, Portugal (14th Mediterranean Maritime Heritage Forum*, 24-25 October, 2008 - Seixal, Portugal).
* The Council Ecomuseum of Sexal, near Lisbon, held the 14th Forum of the Association of Mediterranean Maritime Museums, under the theme: "Inventários e divulgação de património marítimo e fluvial - o papel dos museus e a participação das comunidades." (Inventories and dissemination of maritime and fluvial heritage - the role of museums and the participation of the communities).
Design Pedro Ivo Palitos
Acknowledgements Council Ecomuseum of Seixal ~ Municipality of Seixal