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Storage room, Palace of Pena, Sintra

2013 Preventive Conservation

Reorganisation of an ensemble of objects, mostly furniture, stored in the Telegraphy Room at the Tower of the National Palace of Pena (Sintra), including:

  • cleaning treatment;
  • analysis of existing objects;
  • serialisation, identification and separation of objects;
  • heritage framework checking;
  • packaging preparation.

Acknowledgements Parques de Sintra - Monte da Lua

Use of stretch film on a chair.
Placement of a green circle on the label, indicating the piece as part of the Palace's collection.
Detail of a piece, where the two labels corresponding to two packages can be seen.
Textiles packed in an envelope made with cotton cloth.
Detail of the piece of furniture with a Tyvek® label tied with cotton yarn.
Small elements inserted in a Minigrip® bag, tied to the chair with a cotton string.