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Numismatic Collection, Bank of Portugal

1999 Preventive Conservation

Assessment of preservation state of 2907 coins from the Numismatic Collection of the Bank of Portugal, including the selection for treatment (306 coins were treated) and the preparation of the conservation plan for the exhibition "Money in the Old West Peninsular, from the Old Standard to the Euro", subdivided in 14 nuclei:

  • 01. Ancient Pattern and Current Coin
  • 02. From Pre-Monetary to Portuguese Money
  • 03. From Reconquest to Crisis of 1383-85
  • 04. Discoveries and Achievements
  • 05. Crisis of the Empire
  • 06. Restoration
  • 07. From Absolute Monarchy to Enlightened Despotism
  • 08. From Liberalism to Regeneration
  • 09. From Regeneration to Republic
  • 10. First Republic
  • 11. New State
  • 12. Democratic State
  • 13. Paper Money Production
  • 14. The Euro

Acknowledgements National Museum of Archaeology ~ Bank of Portugal
