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Iron alloys, 14th-15th cs., Alenquer, Lisbon

2000 Conservation and Restoration

Treatment of a few iron alloy artefacts exhumed from the archaeological site in the Castle of Alenquer*, for the exhibition "pera guerrejar: Armamento Medieval no Espaço Português (s. IX a XV)" ("Medieval Weapons in the Portuguese Territory, 9-15th cs."), held at the Portuguese National Archaeological Museum (1999-2000).

  • Six crossbow arrowheads (14th c (?).
  • Two spearheads (14-15th cs).
  • Roller spur (14th c).
  • Tip knife sheath (14-15th cs (?).

* Castle of Alenquer was built by Muslims, conquered by the 1st King of Portugal, Afonso Henriques [1148] and it had, during Middle Ages, a strategic military value in defending the right side of the Tagus River.

Acknowledgements Municipality of Alenquer ~ National Museum of Archaeology (Lisboa)

Crossbow arrowhead, before treatment.
Crossbow arrowhead, after treatment.
Spur, before treatment.
Spur, after treatment.
Crossbow arrowhead, before treatment.
Crossbow arrowhead, after treatment.
Crossbow arrowhead, before treatment.
Crossbow arrowhead, after treatment.