- I. Tissota, L. Alvesb, M.L. Carvalhoc, V. Corregidorb, M. Mansoc, M. Tissota,d, M.F. Guerrae. 2014. Searching for Late Bronze Age soldering techniques: µPIXE analyses of the gold bracelets from Herdade do Álamo (Beja, Portugal). In 14th International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications, 7-11 Jul, Padua, Italy.
Searching for Late Bronze Age soldering techniques: µPIXE analyses of the gold bracelets
a Archeofactu
b Institute of Nuclear Technology / Instituto Superior Técnico - UL
c Centre for Atomic Physics, University of Lisboa
d National Museum of Archaeology
e Centre for Research and Restoration of the Museums of France and UMR8220 CNRS