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Pedro Nunes

Contemporary Jewellery
This collection was done for the Pedro Nunes [1502-1578] Exhibition: novas terras, novos mares e o que mays he: novo ceo e novas estrellas, held at the Portuguese National Library. The collection drew inspiration from geometrical drawings published in:

  • the Portuguese edition of the The Treaty of the Sphere by João Sacrobosco [13th century], published in Lisbon by Germão Galhardo [1537];
  • a leaf from Opera, printed in Basel in Henricpetrina printing-works [1566];
  • a leaf from De Crepusculis, printed in Lisbon by the printer Luís Rodrigues [1542].

Design Teresa Milheiro and Inês Correia

© Archeofactu. Handmade.