Home . Jewellery

The Mysteries of Illuminations

Contemporary Jewellery
This collection was inspired by the ornamental motifs in some parchment codices. Its special allure is its focus on the geometric shapes, the flora and fauna, and the jewellery and other details in the attire of the personages featured in the codices listed below, all of which serves to attest to the aesthetical and symbolic opulence of these ancient documents:

  • Martirology of Lorvão [12th c.]
  • Psaltery of Lorvão [13th c.]
  • Old Testament of Lorvão [13th c.]
  • Book of Hours of King Duarte [15th c.]
  • Bible of Jerónimos [15th c.]
  • Genealogy of 3rd Count of Feira [16th c.]
  • Leitura Nova [16th c.]

Design Inês Correia e Sofia Serrano

© Archeofactu. Handmade.