Home . Jewellery

Gold over blue

Contemporary Jewellery
This collection is inspired by a reason of a religious nature, designed at the request of the Diocese of Beja, for its museums network:

Colecção de joalharia inspirada em motivos de carácter religioso, concebida por solicitação da Diocese de Beja, para a sua rede museológica:

  • Treasure of the Royal Basilica of Our Lady of Conceição (Castro Verde)
  • Treasure of the Church of Our Lady of Salas (Sines)
  • Treasure of the Collegiate Church (Santiago do Cacém)
  • Treasure of the Church of S. Vicente (Cuba-Alentejo)
  • Centre for Sacred Art of the Collegiate Church of St. Pedro (Moura)
  • Seminar Museum and Museum of the Church of Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres (Beja).

Design Teresa Milheiro

© Archeofactu. Handmade.