In accordance to the project The awakening of the Manuelin foral charters: science and technology insights into the masterpiece (PTDC/EAT-EAT/112662/2009), financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology, in which participate: the Centre for Atomic Physics, University of Lisbon (CFA-UL), the National Archive of Torre do Tombo (AN-TT) and the Institute of Museums and Conservation, IP (IMC), there was an invitation to present one communication at the 2nd international workshop on physical and chemical analytical techniques in cultural heritage.
- Tissot, Isabel, Guerra, M. Filomena, The importance of being… data. The study of gold-work by scientific techniques, 2nd International workshop: "Physical and chemical analytical techniques in cultural heritage", Foundation for Science and Technology (fin.), Atomic Physics Centre, University of Lisbon, 4-5'Jun., 2012, Lisbon.