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Preprints, II National Meeting, ARP

2002 Publisher

As a participant in the Organizing Committee of the II National Meeting, promoted by the Professional Association of Conservators-Restorers of Portugal (ARP) in the Auditorium of the National Pharmacy Association (Lisbon) in 2000, the preprints were published in 2002.

  • II National Meeting: Conservation and Restoration of Heritage: Risks, Prevention, Security, Ethics, Law. Preprints Book, Professional Association of Conservators-Restorers of Portugal (ed.), Pedro Pedroso (coord.), Henrique Cayatte Design. 2002. Lisbon. Legal deposit n. 177950/02

Acknowledgments Critério, Pre-printing and Pagination ~ Norprint, Printing ~ ex-Institute of Development and Inspection of Working Conditions ~ ex-Portuguese Institute of Conservation and Restoration ~ National Association of Pharmacies ~ Pharmacy Museum ~ Bank BPI ~ Luso-American Foundation ~ Hotel Altis ~ Recheio Cash & Carry ~ Sumolis Group ~ Nameloja, Photography

Preprints Book of the ARP's 2nd National Meeting.